So why do I think the Nigerian government should increase the minimum wage? #Storytime Why the Government Should Pay More In 2002, I was in Lagos searching for an internship position. The average pay for interns at the time ranged from N3,000 to N5,000. There was a popular telecoms company that always took on interns and paid N3,000. That was my fall-back option but my goal was to find a place that paid N5,000. I scoured the whole of Lagos, walking door-to-door, office-to-office, dropping off what was my resume at the time. You have to remember this was 2002, before Facebook , LinkedIn or . I didn't even have a mobile phone. Eventually I got an interview at this company in Victoria Island. They offered to pay me N6,000 but I hated the thought of working there. Why? First thing, everyone wore uniforms in this place. And when I say everyone, that includes 40-year old men with wives at home. The company manufactured electronic cards not medical equipment! Why the ...
My thoughts on a variety of issues, from life in the "3rd world", to love in the most unlikely places.