For the first time in 3 years, I have experienced over 72 hours of consistent electricity. To this I say, "Jonathan, go ahead".
I have always said we do not require a president with an agenda containing 20 fancy items. We only need someone to solve 2 main problems (3, actually): Security, Electric Power Supply, (and Corruption)
While GEJ is performing abysmally with respect to the first item above, a successful PHCN privatization is the first step towards the 2nd.
If the Jonathan administration can pull this off, it will go down in history as the administration that resolved Nigeria's notorious power problems. Power problems that have killed enterprise in the country and rendered many innocent citizens helpless against the greed and corruption of dim-witted "NEPA" officials.
The same way, Obasanjo has gone down in history as the leader that introduced the most significant reforms in the Nigerian banking sector. This also required sacrifice with a number of "big" names in the sector vanishing for good. The Nigerian economy has remained the better for it.
It therefore appears that GEJ has unwittingly stumbled upon the one area in which he can make a difference and disprove the widely held notion that he is essentially the worst civilian president the country has ever experienced.
In addition, while I may not have a solution for the 2nd item mentioned above, my suggestion for the 3rd is simple. Consistently make examples of anyone discovered to have been guilty of corruption in any form, particularly people in "high places". The seeming immunity of corrupt politicians to prosecution/punishment is what has caused corruption and injustice to permeate the society. The leadership needs to set examples by punishing corruption, not just exposing it.
However, if GEJ cannot stand up to corrupt politicians, not stand up to detractors of national security, he should at least stand up to dim-witted union leaders that do not want the good of the general public.
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